How To Plant A Palm Tree

How To Plant A Palm Tree
How To Plant A Palm Tree

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Palms are large and small, lush and not so. The homeland of palm trees is the tropics and subtropics, but many species take root well in our apartments, turning into indoor plants.

Palm trees take root well in flower pots
Palm trees take root well in flower pots


Step 1

You can try to buy seeds for growing palm trees on the Internet or bring them with you from vacation. As you walk under the southern palm trees, look at your feet. You may be able to find ripe fallen fruits there, from which all you have to do is extract the seeds, dry them and bring them home.

Step 2

But you don't have to go on a long journey. You can grow a palm tree from ordinary dates sold in any major supermarket. Only choose fruits that have not been cooked. Pull out the pulp of the date, remove the bone from it, put it in a glass of water, which will need to be put in a warm place. For example, a heating battery.

Step 3

After a while, the first sprout should appear from the seed. Prepare for the fact that this may take 4 to 6 weeks or even longer. Growing a palm tree is not a quick business, it can even be called a real school of patience.

Step 4

For planting sprouted seeds, ordinary garden or flower soil is perfect, just do not forget to sterilize it to eliminate unwanted pests and bacteria from it. The easiest way to do this is in the microwave, sterilizing a liter of soil for 1 minute at maximum power.

Step 5

Remove the bone from the water, dig a small hole in the ground, dip the seed into it, sprinkle the hole with the substrate, pour it with warm water and start waiting. Do not dig into the ground trying to find out if the sprout has taken root. By doing this, you will only harm him.

Step 6

Do not flood the ground with water to avoid mold growth. Within the next 4-6 weeks, the palm tree should emerge. Place it in a bright place, but avoid the scorching sun and drafts. Reduce watering in the fall and allow the tree to enter a dormant period.
