The name says more about the person than it seems. At the same time, parents often give their children names without really thinking about their meaning. As a result, the person himself experiences internal discord and discomfort on his own behalf, without associating himself with him. To decipher the name and choose the correct one, be it a child's passport name or a pseudonym, you need to have a deep knowledge of the history of names and languages.

Step 1
If you remember the names of the American Indians (White Moon, Running Wolf, etc.), you will understand the general principle of choosing a name that has been applied since antiquity. The child was named in accordance with the hopes for his future, wishes and parting words in the life he had begun: if the girl was desired beauty, she was called Pulcheria - from the Latin "beautiful". The wish for happiness was in the names Felix for boys and Felicitata for girls.
Step 2
The translation of the name worried philologists and thinkers from different countries and centuries. The most ambitious work in the field of studying and decoding names is "Names" by P. Florensky. The book describes traditional hypotheses of the origin of names and proposed by Florensky himself, more progressive, but less popular.
Step 3
The sound composition of the name also matters. So, the letter "F" often carries a negative connotation and worsens the perception of a person by others. Combinations with the letters "e" and "o" may have similar qualities, but each case must be considered separately. In addition, the qualities of a name can be leveled out under the influence of the date of birth and the development of a person's personality.