Signs are small events in a person's life that indicate mistakes or prepare for a difficult choice on the path of life. Most often these are diseases, since it is through pain that the soul is purified and only pain can sober up a person walking a crooked path. Any person who wants to see the signs and accept them with gratitude is able to.

Step 1
Illness is the most obvious sign. Depending on the kind of pain, you can identify its spiritual source. Heartache speaks of your excessive emotionality, inability to control feelings. In addition, you may take mediocre, worthless events too seriously and take offense at the slightest provocation. Other diseases can be considered similarly. They can be "preventive" in nature: perhaps the situations described will happen to you in the near future. Then take into account the sign shown to you in advance, and act in accordance with your common sense.
Step 2
Pay attention to the problems of close friends and family. Compare their experiences and negative experiences with what is happening to you. Do not forget that their problems can be not only a warning to you, but also a consequence of your sins and mistakes.
Step 3
Signs are not always vague and vague. Sometimes the truth speaks directly to you through your loved ones, or even completely strangers. Accept all advice and criticism with gratitude. As you grow spiritually, the meaning of what is happening will become clearer and clearer.