Do you want the party to be fun and unusual and will be remembered by your guests for a long time? Try hosting a home concert. It can be held, for example, in the form of a song performance competition. Or even try to think of a song, show its content with actions and invite guests to guess what kind of work you staged, and then all of you sing along. It's great if the company has people playing musical instruments. But you can also use karaoke.

Step 1
First you need to select a song. Try to find one that has a lot of visible detail. You can, of course, go along a completely unexpected path - try to portray something completely abstract with actions. But this requires a very good imagination both for you and for the rest of the participants in the upcoming concert.
Step 2
Listen to the song carefully. Determine which character is being narrated. It can be a geologist, a teacher, a wizard-dropout, a princess. What other animated characters are there in the song? What are their most characteristic movements? Turn on karaoke and try to portray these characters in a pantomime.
Step 3
In addition to animate objects, there can be inanimate objects in a song. The sun, a cloud, flowers, a thunderstorm - in principle, gestures can be used to designate any phenomenon. Try to do this with the right timing. Remember that if you decide to make a song and depict it with a pantomime, the audience will not hear the music, it must be guessed behind your movements. Hum a song to yourself.
Step 4
It can be fun to play the role of the song. Roles must first be assigned to partners. Try to match the role more or less with the character of the "actor". Be sure to coordinate your actions and try not to deviate too much from the rhythm.
Step 5
After you come up with a script, start rehearsing. If you are just going to have a show of performances, you can include the song with the words. The main thing is to timely perform all actions for animate and inanimate heroes.