How To Grow Dracaena Bordered

How To Grow Dracaena Bordered
How To Grow Dracaena Bordered

Bordered dracaena is a small tree with a straight trunk, at the end of which there is a bunch of hard leaves, pointed at the tips, with a narrow border around the edges, thanks to her this type of dracaena got its name.

How to grow dracaena bordered
How to grow dracaena bordered

Conditions of detention and care for dracaena

In the summer, the dracaena needs abundant watering, but the plant does not like stagnant water and can shed foliage and rot, and this happens very quickly. Preventing this is quite simple - arrange for good drainage in the pot and plant the plant in light soil. Water as the soil dries completely. You can check this as follows. Stick a wooden stick into the ground, if it is clean when you pull it out, then the plant needs to be watered.

Dracene needs bright, but diffused light. In winter, place it as close to the window as possible, and in summer, take it to the balcony or put it in the garden, making it a shelter from the wind and bright sun.

In order for the foliage to grow evenly, the dracaena needs lighting from all sides.

Spray the plant regularly, especially if the indoor air is very dry. Take a warm shower from time to time to wash the dust off the leaves. In the spring and summer, once every 2 weeks, feed by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers or use complex liquid fertilizers for decorative deciduous indoor plants or palms.

Dracaena bordered transplant

The most suitable substrate for good development and growth of dracaena consists of peat, leaf humus and sod land in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Sand will help make the soil lighter. Take 1/2 part of coarse river sand, rinse it and add to the soil mixture.

Young plants need to be replanted annually, changing the container to a larger one. Adult large specimens - once every 2-3 years.

At the bottom of the container, pour a layer of expanded clay, and then nutritious soil and plant the plant. If you did not have time to transplant the dracaena in the spring during the period of active growth, and the container for it became cramped, make a transfer. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and place it together with the earthen clod in a large container. Fill the free space with prepared soil. Press lightly and moisturize.

Reproduction of dracaena bordered

The plant propagates by pieces of stem, air layers or apical cuttings with a bunch of leaves. They are cut off during the period of active growth, allowed to dry out a little for 1-2 days so that the cuttings do not rot. Then the cuttings are planted in the soil, the substrate is moistened, the container is placed in a transparent plastic bag and tied. The pot must be placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least 25 ° C, and the bag must be untied daily and the condensate must be wiped off. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings should take root. The package can then be removed.

Breeding dracaena bordered with air layers is a rather laborious process, but its advantage is that the plant retains its original shape for several months and can decorate the interior. On one of the stems, you need to remove the bark and wrap this place with nutritious soil and moistened moss. After 1-2 months, roots should appear on the cut. As soon as they are strong enough, cut off the apical stalk with roots and plant in a nutritious substrate.
