How To Draw Daisies On Nails

How To Draw Daisies On Nails
How To Draw Daisies On Nails

Drawings on nails are a simple and original decor option. If you are not familiar with the art of painting, choose simple motives such as flowers. To depict delicate romantic daisies, stock up on varnishes of several shades, acrylic paints and brushes.

How to draw daisies on nails
How to draw daisies on nails

Color selection and preparation of nails

Think about your nail design in advance. Drawn daisies can be delicate in pastel colors. A brighter option is a light pattern made on a dark background. Stylized flowers can be painted with thin-brush varnishes; more naturalistic designs can be done with acrylics and wide flat brushes.

Get your manicure done before starting the design. Shape your nails with nippers and a fine-grained file. Remove cuticles and burrs, sand the surface of the nails with a soft polishing file. Finally, apply a leveling base to the plates. On treated nails, the pattern lasts from 5 to 7 days, without losing brightness and freshness.

Floral manicure options

For beginners, a gentle stylized manicure in white and pink tones is suitable. Cover your nails with opaque pink enamel in two coats. Dry your nails. Take a white thick varnish with a thin long brush. Draw a large, stylized chamomile on each nail. It is not necessary to make the flowers the same, they may differ in size and shape. Do not paint over the petals, draw only the outlines.

Attach a white or light yellow rhinestone to the center of each daisy. To keep it better, put a little varnish under the stone. Cover the design with a thick layer of a glossy top with a drying effect. Such a manicure can be done in a more contrasting color using a purple, blue or green substrate. Daisies are painted not only with white, but also with silver varnish, this option is especially good for a party.

Another option is a bright black and white manicure. Don't paint daisies on every nail, just decorate two or three fingers. Apply two coats of gloss black enamel to your nails. Dry the coating. Drop white acrylic paint on a sheet of thick paper. Dip a flat brush with a rounded tip in it and mark a dot in the middle of the plate. It will become the center of the future flower. Draw the petals in a circular motion from the center of the flower and back. The petal should not be too wide. Gradually draw in all the chamomile petals.

Use a thin round brush to paint over the core with yellow paint. Dip the tip of the brush in light green paint and paint the leaves. If desired, veins can be drawn on the petals; this is done with the very tip of a thin round brush. Fix the coating with a drying top.
