Drawings on the nails can beautify even the simplest manicure. They must be tastefully executed, distinguished by a beautiful combination of colors and an interesting plot. One of the easiest options for beginners is a single motif that can be used to decorate all nails or to decorate with only two or three fingers. Try to depict a dragonfly on your nails - it will bring lightness, freshness and a touch of humor to your image.

Preparing nails
A drawing made on top of a French manicure turns out to be very beautiful. Do it with dark colors, and draw the wings in the form of a thin outline.
To keep the decor looking perfect, tidy up your nails. Choose the length you want - it depends on the shape of your fingers and personal taste. Note that it is more convenient to paint on long and semi-long nails. Plates can be square, pointed or oval. Remove the burrs, treat the cuticle with a special softening liquid and move it to the base of the nail or cut it with nippers. The skin around the nails should be perfectly smooth - it can be softened with a scrub and lotion, as well as treated with a special fine-grain file.
Align the plates with a polishing bar. The smoother the nails, the neater the drawing will look. Cover the plates with a layer of protective base and dry. Then apply a background polish to your nails. For summer manicure, pastel shades are preferred - pink, blue, light green or lemon yellow. Apply the varnish in two layers to create an opaque finish.
How to draw a dragonfly quickly and easily
Select an option for the picture, as well as its location. You can decorate one or two nails with a dragonfly image, decorate all the plates, make the drawing sketchy or as realistic as possible. For more confidence, you can sketch several options on paper, and then choose the most successful one.
If you can't paint, decorate your nails with a dragonfly stamp.
Try a simple but effective drawing that can be done with a dots - a metal stick with balls. Drop heavy black varnish onto thick cardboard or plastic palette. Dip a dots ball into it. Close to the free edge of the nail, put two points next to them - they will become the eyes of a dragonfly. From them, towards the base of the nail, put a series of diminishing points - the body of the insect. It can be bent slightly. Dip a thin brush in thick white varnish and paint in two elongated drops on both sides of the dragonfly's body - you get wings.
The image can be repeated on other nails as well. It is not necessary to copy the drawing exactly. Try flipping the dragonfly, bending its body more, or making it smaller. Optionally, you can add rhinestones or small pearls to the design. Attach them to dry varnish. When finished, dry the image and then cover it with a thick layer of sheer top.