The skill of the artist is practiced not only when creating large-scale serious canvases. It is useful to draw even the simplest things, everyday little things. For example, by drawing peas, you will learn how to depict spherical objects and notice many shades in monochrome objects.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - pencil;
- - eraser;
- - paints;
- - brushes.
Step 1
Place a sheet of paper or clip it horizontally on the tablet. From the lower left corner, draw a line up to the right, dropping its end just below the upper right corner. This will draw an axis that will go through the center of the object.
Step 2
Divide the line mentally into 7 equal parts. Leave the last segment on the left undrawn for now - there will be a pod stalk. On the remaining length of the segment, you need to place 10 peas of different sizes. First, outline the segments that they will occupy. At the right and left ends, mark the distance equal to the length of the cutting - this is the size of the smallest pea on the left and two on the right. Then draw three equal lines, the length of which is twice the length of the previous sections.
Step 3
Divide the remaining space into 3 segments of the same length and 1 - half as much. Erase the auxiliary centerline, leaving only the serifs indicating the size of the peas. Draw the pod flaps.
Step 4
Draw all the peas. They should be round. It is best not to use compasses or stencils at this stage. Try to draw circles by hand. Draw the squares first. Moreover, the right side of the square should be slightly layered on the left side of the next figure. As you move towards the right end of the pod, this layering becomes more and more significant. Then round the corners of the squares and erase them, leaving the outlines of the circles.
Step 5
Use the eraser to loosen the pencil lines of the sketch. Color the drawing with any paints. To make a pea look voluminous, you need to correctly distribute shadows and penumbra on its surface. On the left side of the ball, next to its outline, apply a mixture of green, brown and blue colors. The next stripe is a mixture of herbal and brown. Even closer to the center - herbal combined with ocher. Leave the glare on the pea unpainted, blend the paint around so that the spot is not sharply defined.
Step 6
Fill the inside of the pod with a combination of green, ocher and blue. Draw lines of yellow-green along the leaves. Paint the outer side of the pod with herbal color with the addition of blue.