Why Sweet Peas Don't Grow

Why Sweet Peas Don't Grow
Why Sweet Peas Don't Grow

Sweet pea is considered an unpretentious flower. But it happens that the plant refuses to grow, despite the diligent care and attention of the owners.

Why sweet peas don't grow
Why sweet peas don't grow

Sweet peas will give their unique flowering and enchanting aroma if you pay attention to the four growing conditions that are important for the plant.

Choosing the right place

Sweet pea is a light-loving plant and is unlikely to want to bloom in shade. Plants can be planted in light partial shade so that the sun's rays are available for at least half the day.

Suitable soil

Powerful and flowering plants can be grown only on humus fertile, deeply cultivated soils, the layer of which will be at least 40 cm deep. Sweet pea develops a strong root system and, in order to grow to a height of more than 1, 5 … 2 m, good roots are needed to ensure the transfer of food to the top.

Acidic soils must be deoxidized. Sweet peas only grow on neutral soils. Ash application is the best soil deoxidation and good fertilization.

Excessive use of fresh organic fertilizers will only bring harm, because it leads to the growth of green mass at the expense of flowers.

Hot weather is not for sweet peas

A plant at high temperatures can slow down its growth. In this case, the flowers become small, and the formation of beans with seeds begins. Sweet peas love moderate temperatures. Watering and irrigation with water will help to reduce the temperature and increase the humidity of the air.

Watering and humidity

Growth and flowering are negatively affected by dry soil and low air humidity. Especially in prolonged hot weather, peas need watering. But dampness in the soil is also harmful. From it, the roots can suffer and rot.