Last fall, there were rumors that the marriage of Sergei Bondarchuk and Tata Mamiashvili was bursting at the seams. The couple themselves actively warmed them up. Tata stopped wearing a wedding ring, and Sergei increasingly appeared at social events alone. Judging by their pages on social networks, the spouses did not meet the New Year either.

How it all began
The novel by Sergei Bondarchuk and Tata Mamiashvili became known in 2010. At first, the couple hid their relationship from the public. The lovers first appeared together in public in the summer of 2011. Then they dignifiedly walked, holding hands, along the blue carpet of the Kinotavr film festival. They were accompanied by Sergei's parents - Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk.

A year later, Tata and Sergei threw a magnificent wedding. The wedding took place in the Kutuzov registry office of the capital, which was prudently closed to other visitors and the press. The official ceremony was attended only by the relatives of the newlyweds. The bride's family was headed by Tata's father, Mikhail Mamiashvili - Olympic champion and head of the Russian Wrestling Federation. At the helm of the groom's "delegation" was also his father - Fyodor Bondarchuk.
The celebration itself took place in the fashionable concert hall “Barvikha Luxury Village” on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. The most anticipated wedding of the year attracted an incredible number of guests and the press. According to the most conservative estimates, about a thousand people. The celebration was attended by all the color of Russian show business and politics. Among those invited were the President of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov, fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, oligarch Oleg Deripaska, director Pavel Lungin, football coach Valery Gazzaev, hockey player Pavel Bure, as well as Joseph Kobzon, Igor Krutoy and many others.

The kinship of two representatives of famous dynasties was then excitedly discussed by the tabloids. It turned out that they met much earlier, at the beginning of the 2000s. Then Sergey and Tata were teenagers. The acquaintance took place at the wedding of Sergei's cousin - actor Konstantin Kryukov. The romance between them broke out only a few years later.
According to rumors, the bride's father was pleased with her choice. Despite the fact that Tata is two years older than Sergei. The Bondarchuk also had nothing against the choice of their son. Moreover, the new darling quickly pacified Sergei's youthful ardor. Previously prone to shocking and fleeting romances, with the advent of Tata, he became more restrained and calm.
Life after the wedding
The pair of Sergei Bondarchuk and Tata Mamiashvili seemed ideal for a long time. At all social events, they appeared only together and exclusively, holding hands. At first, the newlyweds lived in a luxurious rented apartment. Soon the media trumpeted that their parents bought them a plot on Rublevka next to their mansion. Two years later, Tata and Sergei began to live in a new house. By that time, the couple had two daughters - Margarita and Vera.

Tata completely immersed herself in the family, relegating her career to the background. In numerous interviews of that time, she stated that, as a true Georgian woman, she considers her family as her main priority in life, and her parents' strong marriage serves as an example for her. Tata also focused on the fact that marriage for her is the first and last, and divorce is unacceptable.
Reasons for divorce
In a secular get-together, rumors about problems in the marriage of a star couple have been circulating for a long time. This topic began to be discussed in the press since October 2018. In January, the rumors were confirmed. According to family friends, Tata and Sergey did not dare to divorce for a long time, but nevertheless they came to this.
They still did not make official statements to the press. However, the photos on the personal pages of the spouses on Instagram eloquently indicate that they have not been together for a long time. Judging by them, Tata completely devotes herself to her two daughters. While Sergey mainly shares pictures taken at noisy parties. In the comments to Tata's pictures, subscribers' questions periodically appear about where Sergei and the wedding ring from his finger have "disappeared". However, they remain unanswered. Tata's silence makes subscribers fantasize. So, many believe that the marriage collapsed due to Sergey's frivolity.
According to an insider, they are now preparing documents for filing in court. And this spring they can be bred. How the spouses are going to share the jointly acquired property and children is still anyone's guess.