A fushigi ball is an unusual toy in the form of an acrylic ball that has amazing properties. It is called anti-gravity, with certain manipulations it seems that it hangs in the air or instantly moves in space. Fushigi is used for fun and relaxation - playing with such a ball relieves stress and soothes the nerves.

Fushigi ball structure
The word "fushigi" is translated from Japanese as "mysterious". This device really seems magical, mysterious. Fushigi consists of an external acrylic ball, the surface of which is completely transparent. Inside it is a small steel or metal ball that is visible through the outer layer. Some fushigi balls are added with phosphorescent additives to make them glow in the dark and enhance the illusion.
As a rule, anti-gravity fushigi balls are sold with a special storage bag that protects the acrylic layer from scratches (so as not to reduce the transparency of the ball), with a stand and instructions. In some cases, a disc with a tutorial is sold along with the toy. Showing tricks and creating illusions will be difficult at first, but even the first training sessions will cause a lot of admiration.
Fushigi ball illusions
Due to the special structure, when manipulating the fushigi ball, it seems that it does not move and rotate, but moves in space. Sometimes it seems to hang in the air, rejecting the laws of gravity. A fushigi ball, smoothly flowing in the hands, is capable of visually breaking all the laws of physics.
Multiple ball illusions are especially impressive.
Illusions are created due to the fact that the ball moves due to the kinetic energy inherent in its structure. Throwing methods do not work on it, you need to learn how to smoothly move the ball in your hands without losing contact with it. It is not so simple: it is necessary to constantly monitor its movement.
What is a fushigi ball for?
First of all, the fushigi ball is a wonderful entertainment for both the illusionist and the audience. This is a great opportunity to surprise guests at a party or showcase your skills in a talent show. The fushigi ball not only develops manual dexterity, it also trains mindfulness and accuracy. When working with this toy, both hemispheres of the brain are involved, and their capabilities are gradually improving. Fushigi also trains the eyes, since the illusionist needs to follow the movements of the ball.
Such balls are very useful for children, they form patience and observation and develop dexterity of hands and fingers, which is closely related to thinking and speech abilities.
Plus, fushigi is a great way to relax. Rolling the ball in your hands, you can admire the fascinating spectacle for a long time. Unusual movements relieve stress, calm the nervous system, make you forget about problems, and allow the body and mind to rest.