Intricate graffiti on the walls of houses, bright drawings, unusual ornaments and patterns - all this is graffiti. It is currently one of the most liberal and scandalous arts in the world.

Step 1
The word "graffiti" comes from the Italian graffito, which means drawings, images and inscriptions applied with paint or a sharp object to the wall. The most popular type of graffiti at the present time is considered to be spray art. This word is used to denote painting with spray paint. It should be noted that many people consider images (even the most interesting and unusual ones) applied to walls with spray paints as simple vandalism.
Step 2
The exact date of the emergence of this art form is unknown. Many researchers believe that graffiti appeared along with the self-awareness of people. Graffiti can be explained by a simple human desire to tell the outside world about their existence.
Step 3
The earliest evidence of graffiti dates back to the thirtieth millennium BC, when graffiti was rock carvings depicting hunting or animals. Often, such drawings were applied in ritual places. Graffiti became widespread in ancient Rome, where drawings and inscriptions in some areas of the city covered most of the walls and statues. In the modern world, graffiti is considered street art.
Step 4
Modern graffiti originated in the early 1920s in the United States, where it became a method of self-expression. Spray paints led to spray art, which is now synonymous with graffiti itself. People under the nicknames (pseudonyms) Cornbread and Taki182 are considered the founders of modern spray art or graffiti. In the period from 1969 to 1974, a revolution in modern graffiti took place in Philadelphia, then a huge number of styles arose, as a huge number of young artists competed in spray art. By the end of 1974, the "capital" of graffiti had moved from Philadelphia to New York, at the time of the birth of training there.
Step 5
This word is used to denote the spelling of pseudonyms on trains. Moreover, the techniques and styles of writing pseudonyms were constantly becoming more sophisticated and improved. Over time, trains began to depict complex drawings with interesting plots, pseudonyms were written in fantasy manner, letters turned into almost abstract images.
Step 6
For a long time, graffiti (spray art and training) was considered vandalism, and some people still hold this opinion, but many large companies hire famous street artists to create outdoor advertisements.
Step 7
There are world famous street artists who create images full of hidden meaning, political and social satire. One of the most famous artists is Banksy, his identity has not yet been established, but his works are known all over the world.