If you seriously decided to take up graffiti, then you should understand that everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. As with any creativity, it will take a lot of strength and patience. In order to acquire your own unique style, you will have to work hard, master various techniques and techniques, as well as delve into the subtleties and nuances of this type of fine art.

Step 1
If you decide to master this science, then first of all prepare a sketch - this is the name of the sketch of the image that will later flaunt on the wall. This is not easy to do, especially if you are just a beginner, so get ready to do some good work at this stage. Of course, many writers (as those who draw graffiti are called) do not use sketches in the process of creating their masterpieces, but for a beginner this is a prerequisite. Later, when you get a little good, you can also work without sketches.
Step 2
Draw your sketches with a pencil, you can also use pens, markers and other tools. Choose the size of the paper according to your idea, remember, it must be thick enough. Start drawing with pencil sketches, so that if something happens, you can correct the sketch, and only then begin to draw up the drawing in color.
Step 3
When the sketch is ready, start preparing to apply it directly to the wall. Take the surface properties into account here. Please note that uneven surfaces are not the best option, choose primed surfaces or porous concrete, and if the pattern is applied to a metal surface, then first degrease it with a solvent.
Step 4
Remember to clean the paint can nozzles after each use. Before putting the can aside, turn it over and hold the nozzle depressed for a few seconds until the paint stops coming out. If the paint in the nozzle is dry, discard it (nozzle). By the way, this happens quite often, so be sure to take spare attachments with you. Also remember that it is not recommended to paint in the cold season and in the rain - the paint does not lie well and dries for a long time. When drawing, always wear a respirator (this applies to both indoor and outdoor), as paint fumes harm the lungs, and if you do not wear a respirator, you risk getting asthma over time.