How To Draw A Bike With A Pencil Step By Step

How To Draw A Bike With A Pencil Step By Step
How To Draw A Bike With A Pencil Step By Step

You will draw a bike in 20 minutes. Its design is quite simple, first you draw wheels with spokes, then the circle of the chain, pedals. The steering wheel, frame, seat are also easy to draw.

How to draw a bicycle with a pencil step by step
How to draw a bicycle with a pencil step by step

How to draw wheels and chain

Prepare pencils, soft and hard, and an eraser. Place the sheet of paper horizontally. Now you can start drawing the bike. Draw its wheels first. They are easy to portray. At the bottom of the sheet - right and left, draw one circle each with a soft pencil. Mentally put between them almost the same (a little less), then you will understand at what distance from each other to draw these circles.

Take a compass or ruler and find the center of each shape. Put a bold point in this place, draw a small circle with a diameter of 1 cm around it on one and the second circle. From these small, to large circles, draw many segments - these are the spokes of the wheels. Use a ruler to make them even. Pressing firmly on a hard pencil, draw a large circle so that the tires are clearly visible on the wheel. Their width in the figure is about 0.5 cm.

From the small circle on the right, draw a segment to the left to the right tire, at its end, behind the wheel, draw a circle for the chain. Put a point inside it, from it draw a small line downward that goes slightly beyond it. At the end of this line, draw a small pedal in the form of a narrow rectangle. It is located horizontally. Circle all these details with a thick pencil line. From the center of the chain circle, draw a chain going in a semicircle shape to the rear wheel and back again.

Steering wheel, frame and other parts of the vehicle

Place a dot in the center of the small circle for the chain. Draw 5 symmetrical radii from it inside this circle. From this point, draw a line up and to the left at an angle of 45 degrees. It ends 2 cm above the left (front) wheel. From this point, move up and very slightly to the right a line 3 cm high. This is part of the steering wheel. Extend this segment downward so that the other end is in the center of the front wheel. Bend the top of the handlebars slightly to the right to hold the cyclist while riding.

Draw a horizontal line from the top of the handlebars to the right - this is the frame of the drawn bike. Finish this line where the seat will be, about 3 cm before the rear wheel. From this point (A), draw one line down to the pedal circle. Draw the second to the center of the rear wheel. Draw the seat from "A" slightly upward.

It remains for you to depict the wings of the wheels. Draw them directly above them. Position the front fender from the center of the wheel at the top to the center of the wheel on the right. Rear - over the top half of the right wheel. Correct some of the lines with an eraser, others draw with a hard pencil. Here's how to draw a bike quickly and easily.
