A properly selected photo frame can become a highlight of the interior and a pleasant addition to photography dear to your heart. The photo frame is a unique design invention that will find its place in any room.

It is necessary
- - acrylic paint, glue for decoupage, acrylic primer, synthetic brush, varnish, frame blank, napkin, sandpaper, paraffin;
- - photo frame, PVA glue and "Moment", napkins, semolina, sea shells, acrylic paints, rice, sponge, brush, fixing varnish.
Step 1
The decoupage method allows you to create a wide variety of subject frames. Carefully cover the surface of the workpiece with acrylic primer. After drying, apply brown acrylic paint to the places where the scuff effect is planned.
Step 2
Rub the brown painted surfaces with paraffin. Cover the entire frame with white acrylic paint. After final drying, sand with fine sandpaper. The result is an artificially aged frame.
Step 3
Take decoupage glue and a flat synthetic brush, glue the fragments of the napkin of the chosen theme. Apply thick stripes with acrylic red paint. After drying, cover the frame on all sides with decoupage varnish.
Step 4
Summer memory frame
Carefully coat the surface of the frame with PVA glue. Tear the napkin into small pieces, wrinkle it carefully and stick it in a continuous layer. The glue makes the paper napkin soft and pliable, making it easy to form small waves. Bend the edges of the napkin gently on the sides and glue.
Step 5
Go to the next stage after the workpiece is completely dry. In random order, using Moment glue, glue pebbles and shells, fill the empty space between them with rice. Twist the flagellum from a slightly damp cloth and lay out the seaweed. Sand imitation can be created using semolina.
Step 6
Dry the frame before tinting. Combine blue and a drop of black acrylic paint in a plastic container. After adding water, mix thoroughly and cover the entire frame including seashells and stones.
Step 7
Add a small amount of white to the resulting paint. Dip a piece of sponge in a light blue color and blot on paper. With the resulting homemade sponge, lightly touch the protruding parts of the frame.
Step 8
Add some more white and go over the protruding parts of the frame, grabbing the corners. After the last light blue layer has dried, apply gold strokes to the shell's surface.
Step 9
If you have a large number of buttons that cannot find their home on clothes, use them in decor. On a flat frame using Moment glue, glue buttons of various sizes and textures. Once dry, paint them with gold or silver paint. For this purpose, it is better to use spray paint, which gives an even coating.