How To Change Strings

How To Change Strings
How To Change Strings

Table of contents:


Strings are a consumable item for playing any stringed instrument, including the guitar. It is recommended to change them, depending on the frequency of use, after a month or less. The procedure includes removing old strings, pulling on new ones, and tuning the instrument.

How to change strings
How to change strings


Step 1

Remove the old strings by spinning the tuning pegs one at a time (from first to last). If the string is very long, then relax it not completely, but only slightly and bite off with pliers at the peg. Remove the rest from the hole in the splint and from the saddle.

Step 2

The strings on a six-string guitar are stretched in this order: Nos. 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4. On a twelve-stringed guitar, the main strings are first pulled in this order, then the auxiliary ones. On a four-string bass, the order is 1, 4, 2, 3. On other strings, the principle is the same - from the edges to the center.

Step 3

Tune the instrument according to the standard system and leave it on for a while. New strings are very elastic and quickly lose their tone and lower the pitch. After a while, pick up the instrument again and check the tuning. Pull up the strings to the desired pitch and start playing.
