Can Sawdust Be Used As Mulch Under Fruit Trees?

Can Sawdust Be Used As Mulch Under Fruit Trees?
Can Sawdust Be Used As Mulch Under Fruit Trees?

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Sawdust, like any mulching material, retains soil moisture, reduces both overheating and hypothermia of the upper layers of the soil, and prevents the appearance of a soil crust.

Can sawdust be used as mulch under fruit trees?
Can sawdust be used as mulch under fruit trees?


Step 1

Sawdust can be used as mulch under fruit trees. Sawdust contains lignin, a complex wood carbohydrate. Lignin-degrading bacteria use nitrogen extensively as a nutrient. Therefore, the top layer of the soil, which inevitably mixes with sawdust over time, is depleted in nitrogen, which can lead to starvation of plants for this element.

Step 2

In addition, sawdust slightly acidifies the soil. To neutralize these negative phenomena and get only benefit from mulching with sawdust, it is recommended to mix them with semi-rotted manure, compost or add a little mineral nitrogen fertilizers in spring or in the first half of summer. It is possible directly from above - randomly, 20-30 g / sq.m once a season. It is also advisable to lime the soil (preferably dolomite flour) in accordance with the instructions on the package every few years.

Step 3

A good alternative to sawdust is weeds uprooted or mown weeds and other plant residues, which can be placed in the near-trunk circles with a layer of 10-15 cm. They also well reduce evaporation from the soil surface, normalize the temperature regime, over time enrich the top soil layer with organic matter, on them dandelion seeds and other weeds are harder to germinate. And unlike sawdust, they themselves contain enough nitrogen for bacteria and do not acidify the soil.