How To Make A Felted Bracelet On A Wooden Base

How To Make A Felted Bracelet On A Wooden Base
How To Make A Felted Bracelet On A Wooden Base

Table of contents:


Felting jewelry out of wool is a fascinating process and allows you to realize any design fantasies. A wrist bracelet made of wool will become a warm accessory and emphasize the individuality of its owner's style. The “wet felting” technique is used to create a bracelet on a wooden base.

Felted bracelet on a wooden base
Felted bracelet on a wooden base

It is necessary

  • - wooden base for the bracelet
  • - wool for felting
  • - felting needle
  • - water, liquid soap, gloves
  • - towel
  • - beads, rhinestones, embroidery threads, a needle


Step 1

Free your work surface from unnecessary items and cover it with plastic wrap. Measure the circumference of the bracelet with a tailor's meter.

the necessary materials to create a bracelet
the necessary materials to create a bracelet

Step 2

Tear off thin strands of wool from the combed ribbon and lay them on the film in a rectangle with a long equal circumference and two widths of the workpiece.

arrangement of wool for felting
arrangement of wool for felting

Step 3

Subsequent layers of wool are placed perpendicular to the previous one. Try to make the layer uniform, without gaps or gaps. If you are using thin merino or the layout is very thin, add a third coat of wool.

third layer of wool
third layer of wool

Step 4

Gently wrap the wool around the wood base. Wrap the ends of the wool inside the bracelet.

bracelet shaping
bracelet shaping

Step 5

Take a coarse felting needle and use a few punctures to pin the wool inside the bracelet around its entire circumference. You do not need to roll the joint too much, the main thing is that the shape is kept.

securing layers of wool with a needle
securing layers of wool with a needle

Step 6

You have a voluminous woolen bagel. Pour hot water into a spray bottle and add some liquid soap. Moisten the coat evenly with soapy water.

blank felted bracelet
blank felted bracelet

Step 7

Put on rubber gloves and soap your hands well. Begin to gently press the wool against the base. At first, the movements should be light and stroking, so as not to displace the layers.

wet felting bracelet
wet felting bracelet

Step 8

After 7-10 minutes, you can increase the pressure and start rolling the bracelet on the film. Using a rubbing motion, smooth the coat around the base, removing wrinkles and unevenness. Iron, rub and roll your product - this is the felting technique.

wet felting
wet felting

Step 9

Gradually, the wool felts and wraps tightly around the workpiece. Rinse the bracelet in cool water and lay on a towel to dry.

felted bracelet
felted bracelet

Step 10

A dried bracelet may fluff slightly. To avoid pilling, the bracelet should be shaved. You can use an old disposable machine if you don't have a special machine.


Step 11

The felted bracelet on a wooden base is ready and you can already wear it. But if you want more variety and self-expression - start decorating. The bracelet can be embroidered with beads, sewn on beads or decorated with original embroidery.

bracelet decoration
bracelet decoration

Step 12

Combine different decorating techniques, be creative and you will create a unique piece of jewelry that will feel pleasure and pride in your creativity when you look at it.
