Frank Welker: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Frank Welker: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Frank Welker: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Frank Welker is a popular American actor, whose professional activity is connected not only with film works, but also with dubbing characters in animated and television films and serials, as well as in computer games. It is as a voice actor that he is familiar to a wide audience.

A popular actor is always in a great mood
A popular actor is always in a great mood

Frank Welker is today considered the highest paid American actor, who was awarded the title of "Most Successful Actor in Hollywood". His professional career, which began in 1969, has allowed him to take part in the creation of more than eight hundred cinematic, television and animated films, as well as computer games.

Frank Welker is still quite popular today
Frank Welker is still quite popular today

Hollywood's absolute record is an economic indicator of an actor's performance, based on the box office receipts of all projects with his participation. A total of almost $ 6.5 billion was raised for the rental of 97 films in which he played or voiced the main characters.

Short biography of Frank Welker

March 12, 1946 in Denver (USA) in a family far from the world of culture and art, the future Hollywood actor was born. From childhood, the talented boy showed remarkable artistic abilities. Especially well he succeeded in the art of acting by parodying the voices of various public people and animals known to all.

The in-demand actor is always in a great mood
The in-demand actor is always in a great mood

After receiving his high school diploma, Franklin Wendell Welker moved to California, where he began his studies at Santa Monica College. Here he made his stage debut as the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. The first experience of public speaking brought him not only public recognition, but also gave him substantial confidence in the correctness of the chosen path of development.

And when the young man was already graduating from college, he had the opportunity to voice a video for the first time on television, which turned out to be an advertisement for Friskies dog food. Interestingly, it was then that he made a fateful decision for himself - to devote his professional career to duplication. Indeed, during the filming of his debut project with his participation as a voice actor, he happened to audition for the famous American animation studio Hanna-Barbera.

The lucky star that day favored the novice artist, and he successfully overcame a serious competition for the place of the dubbing actor in the new animation project "Where are you, Scooby-Doo?" As a result of this successful event, Frank Welker became a permanent participant in this series for many decades, and the characters of Scooby-Doo and Fred Jones, well known throughout the world, spoke in his voice. Today, his work on dubbing the characters of various animals and supernatural characters, including dinosaurs, gremlins and other heroes of cartoons and TV shows, are incredibly popular.

Creative career of an artist

In 1972, the cinematic public was able to see Frank Welker on their screens for the first time, when he appeared before her in a cameo role in Dirty Little Billy, directed by Stan Dragoti. The storyline of the film is based on the extraordinary life story of the legendary Wild West character Billy the Kid. This young and mentally retarded bandit appears before the audience not in the role of a noble avenger, which is customary for this genre, but in "all the glory" of his negative essence. It was the unique director's intention that allowed this film to become quite popular in the United States and around the world, which directly affected the career of all the actors who starred in it.

Good mood is the calling card of a popular artist
Good mood is the calling card of a popular artist

Over the course of his professional career, Frank Welker managed to take part in the filming and voice acting of about 810 projects, among which there are films, television and animated films and series, as well as computer games. And his most famous roles include the following works:

1978 - Fantastic Four

- 1981-1983 - Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends;

- 1983-1990 - Alvin and the Chipmunks;

- 1983-1985 - Dungeon of Dragons;

- 1983-1985 - Inspector Gadget;

- 1984-1987 - Transformers;

- 1984 - Gremlins;

- 1985 - The Jetsons;

- 1986-1991 - Real ghost hunters;

- 1987-1990 - Duck Tales;

- 1988-1994 - Garfield and his friends;

- 1988 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit;

- 1990 - Duck Tales: The Coveted Lamp;

- 1991-1995, 1997, 1999-2002, 2014 - The Simpsons;

- 1991-1992 - Black Cloak;

- 1992 - Goofy and his team;

- 1994-1996 - Gargoyles;

- 1994-1995 - Aladdin;

- 1994 - The Lion King;

- 1995-1997 - Mask;

- 1996 - Space Jam;

1997 - Beauty and the Beast: A Wonderful Christmas

1997-1998 - 101 Dalmatians

- 1999-2013 - Futurama;

- 2000 - The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea;

- 2002-2006 - The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, a boy genius;

- 2003-2006, 2008 - Password: "Neighborhood kids" / Codename: Kids Next Door - different roles (in twelve episodes)

- 2009 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen;

- 2009-present Time - The Garfield Show;

- 2011 - The Smurfs;

- 2012 - Madagascar 3;

- 2012 - Mutant Ninja Turtles;

- 2013 - Transformers: Prime Monster Hunters Rise of the Predacons;

- 2014 - Transformers 4: Age of Extinction;

- 2015 - Puzzle;

- 2017 - Transformers: The Last Knight.

Personal life

Unfortunately, there is no publicly available information about the family life of a popular actor.

Hollywood's most successful actor has many well-deserved awards
Hollywood's most successful actor has many well-deserved awards

Frank Welker, like many of his colleagues in the creative workshop, believes that details from his personal life cannot be made public. It is not for nothing that the phrase that “happiness loves peace and quiet” is very popular today.
