Fishing Tackle

Fishing Tackle
Fishing Tackle

The path is designed for catching large predatory fish. This tackle is usually made from a not very thick strong cord, the length of which is about 100 meters. A metal leash with a large oscillating spoon and sinker is attached to one end of the cord. At the second end, a plywood board is fixed, on which a cord is wound.

Fishing tackle
Fishing tackle

When fishing with shallow water, the length of the leash should be at least two meters. In places where there are underwater thickets, it is better to do without a sinker, and instead attach an anti-twist to the cord. When fishing with a track, they usually use the same spinners as when fishing with spinning. However, when fishing with the help of a track, you can catch larger fish with the same spoons.

When fishing with a track, it is lowered into the water from a boat. First you need to sail a short distance from the shore, lower the spoon and, when the boat is moving at medium speed, lower the rest of the line into the water. When more than 40 meters of the cord has been unwound, the cord is secured to the bottom of the boat.

Sometimes, when fishing with a lane, a sturdy small-sized rod is used, which is equipped with a spinning spoon and a reel. It is best to equip such a rod with a baitcasting reel with a free spinning line. This reel allows you to quickly eject and rewind the cord.

When fishing at shallow depths, it is good to use spinning lures, which, while making movements, create resistance and remain at the surface of the water. The size of the spoon is selected depending on the depth of the place where the fishing will be carried out. The deeper the depth, the larger the size of the spoon should be.

As a fishing line for a fishing rod, you can use monofilament with a cross section of up to 1 mm and a length of up to 100 meters.

The sinker should be installed as far away from the spoon as possible. When fishing with a track, the distance from the lead to the spoon is usually equal to the length of the rod itself.
