What Is Included In The Concept Of "fishing Tackle"

What Is Included In The Concept Of "fishing Tackle"
What Is Included In The Concept Of "fishing Tackle"

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To ensure the success of fishing, not only a well-chosen place, favorable weather, bait attractive for fish, but also correctly selected fishing tackle are capable of many things. The latter concept implies a whole set of devices for fishing, without which no one, even the most experienced fisherman, can do.

What is included in the concept
What is included in the concept


Step 1

Fishing tackle is always selected individually. It all depends on what body of water you plan to fish in, how you decided to do it, what kind of fish you intend to fish. The most common types of fishing tackle are: float rod, bottom rod, spinning rod and fly fishing. Each of these varieties has a number of distinctive features concerning not only the fishing technique and the type of desired prey, but also the required elements included in the design of the tackle.

Step 2

So, the integral components of any float rod, suitable for fishing any kind of fish from the shore or boat, are: a rod, a fishing reel, line, float, sinker and hook.

Step 3

The choice of rod for float tackle depends on the experience of the fisherman and the technique he is going to use when fishing. An ideal option for a beginner would be a 4-6 m long fiberglass telescopic rod, equipped with guide guides and a special bar for fixing the reel. Fans of coastal fishing should opt for a longer, but lightweight rod, which will allow you to cast a hook with a bait attached to it over long distances. To ensure the success of fishing with live bait, a heavy-duty rod will be able to help tame large fish greedily grabbing the bait.

Step 4

As for the reel, an open spinning device is considered the most successful option for float fishing tackle. Any line will do. Its thickness depends solely on how large the trophies you plan to catch. The float can be of any length, shape and color. The choice of this element of the float tackle depends on the weather conditions and the depth of the reservoir. The sinker should not sink the float. The best for fishing with a float rod is a sinker - a pellet. It is better to have several fishing hooks. They can be small or large, single or triple, thin or thick. The main thing is sharp.

Step 5

Bottom fishing tackle, often called donka by the people, is used to catch fish from the bottom or in the immediate vicinity of it. The use of a donkey is especially effective when fishing in water bodies in a strong current. The design of the bottom tackle is similar to the "structure" of a float rod, the only difference is the absence of a float. The tension of the fishing line indicates bites to the fisherman.

Step 6

Spinning is used mainly for catching predators, although quite peaceful fish are often caught on this fishing tackle. The design of the spinning rod includes: a rod, which can be monolithic, compound or telescopic; coil - inertial or non-inertial; fishing line - monofilament or braided; bait - artificial or natural.

Step 7

When rigging a spinning rod, special attention should be paid to the choice of the bait. Live fish, various organisms living in the reservoir, worms or frogs can act as natural bait. Artificial baits are represented by a huge variety of oscillating and rotating lures, twisters and vibrating tails, wobblers, spinnerbaits and octopuses.

Step 8

The fly fishing method is used to catch fish that feed on insects falling into the reservoir in the upper layers of water. The fly fishing tackle consists of a lightweight two- or three-piece rod, supplemented with guides, a reel, a line, a fly line, undergrowth and a hook with an artificial bait attached to it - a front sight.

Step 9

When choosing items for fly fishing tackle, special attention should be paid to the line. Their swimming varieties are used for fishing in shallow bodies of water or near the surface of the water. Sinking cords are used when fishing in the bottom layers and reservoirs with a strong current. It is important to choose the right front sight as well. It can be dry (floating on the surface) and wet (quickly sinking into the water column). A dry fly is used mainly on bodies of water with a calm current, while a wet fly is used when fishing in mountain rivers with a strong current or in stagnant water.
