What Is Mosaic

What Is Mosaic
What Is Mosaic

Mosaic images have been known since ancient times. Initially, these were simple patterns from pebbles, then the artists began to create whole mosaic paintings and panels with a complex plot and a rich colorful palette. The walls and floors of Byzantine and Italian churches were traditionally decorated with mosaics. Mosaic appeared in Russia thanks to Mikhail Lomonosov. The scientist has revived, having reinvented, the technique of obtaining smalt - opaque dense colored glass.

What is mosaic
What is mosaic

A mosaic is an image assembled from small multi-colored pieces of one or more different materials. The word "mosaic" itself has a French origin and means "dedicated to the muses." The mosaic technique of arts and crafts, which came from antiquity, has found excellent application in the decoration of modern interiors and exterior walls of houses. The building, decorated with mosaics on the outside, acquires a bright personality, while the interiors with floor and wall mosaics create a sense of unusual sophistication. The finishing materials market offers mainly three types of mosaic components: glass, smalt and ceramics. There are also such types of mosaics as metal, stone and porcelain stoneware, but their cost is much higher than the first three types. Glass mosaic is the cheapest and most affordable of all mosaic materials. Its composition is more reminiscent of crystal than simple glass. The advantages of glass mosaics are: - high strength; - water resistance; - heat and frost resistance; - resistance to chemicals; - rich color palette that does not fade under the influence of sun rays. The combination of all these qualities makes it possible to use glass mosaic for facing fireplaces and stoves, swimming pools and saunas, kitchen walls and floors, as well as building facades. Smalta is a glass mosaic material made according to old technologies. The essence of these technologies is that small pieces of glass and various metal oxides for a long time (about a day) are fused at high temperatures. The resulting material is superior in quality to ordinary glass. Smalt is opaque, has a high density and strength, as well as the effect of "glow from the inside". Colors of smalt mosaic look different under different illumination. Ceramic mosaic is a ceramic tile of small size. Glazed tiles are used for cladding bathrooms and swimming pools. Unglazed is used to create stylish ornaments or just individual splashes of glaze. Decorate your home with mosaics and a room with this piece of decorative art will be incredibly attractive to you and all your family members. The ancient magic of mosaics exists and flourishes.