Hosiery knitting needles are used for knitting small items (mittens, golf, hats, gloves, socks). Things knitted with knitting needles do not require assembly and have a finished look.

It is necessary
Set of 5 knitting needles, yarn
Step 1
Use knitting needles to make cylindrical items (no seam). Calculate the number of loops you need to make the garment, taking into account the thickness of the yarn and the size of the needles. Tie the sample, lightly steam through a damp cloth and pat dry. Correct the required number of loops after shrinkage, but it should always be a multiple of 4. Cast on the 2 knitting needles the required number of loops. Work the first row, spreading the stitches evenly across the 4 knitting needles.
Step 2
Work all the stitches on each knitting needle, starting with the outermost stitches, with the fifth knitting needle. Keep the original number of stitches on each knitting needle. Regardless of the selected pattern, always one knitting needle is free and alternately replaces each of the other 4 knitting needles. When knitting, we get a circle without edge loops. It is necessary to knit without changing the number of loops as much as is required to obtain the desired length according to the drawing. For example: for a mitten, this will be the length of the cuff.
Step 3
Continue knitting the mittens with the knit stitches in a circle until where the thumb should be. Remove the 6 outermost stitches on a pin, and cast on the same number of stitches on the working needle. Try on the cuff, make sure the hole for the finger is comfortable, and continue knitting (with 6 stitches) to the end of the little finger. Decrease stitches at the end of 4 needles and beginning of 1 needles, at the end of 2 needles and beginning of 3 needles. Get a toe with 2 or 3 loops, which are pulled together with a working thread and secure from the seamy side.
Step 4
Remove from the pin and put the 6 loops left for the thumb on 1 knitting needle. Cast on 2 knitting needles also 6 loops, but already from the opposite (knitted) side. On 3 and 4 knitting needles (they will be on the sides of the finger), cast on 3 loops. Tie the desired length of the finger, decreasing the loops.