Despite the simplicity of the manufacturing technology and the modest appearance of the starting material, do-it-yourself cardboard vases represent a very interesting and stylish design solution.

Vase made of cardboard scraps
The simplest vase can be made from small pieces of cardboard. To do this, cut cardboard strips with a width of about 2-2.5 cm, after which each strip is cut into separate fragments, 4-5 cm long. A small glass jar is placed on a sheet of cardboard, the contours of its bottom are outlined with a marker and a circle is cut out, adding to the contour 2 cm.
Several rectangular pieces of cardboard are glued along the edges of the cut out circle, forming a polygon: the number of its sides will depend on the diameter of the circle. When gluing rectangles, it is important to make sure that their edges do not overlap the circle drawn with a marker, but are outside of it.
On the first layer of cardboard rectangles in a checkerboard pattern, the next layer is glued and continued until the glass jar inserted inside the blank is completely hidden. The vase is left to dry completely, after which it can be painted and decorated with decorative elements.
A round vase is made using the same technology: circles with a cut out center are harvested from cardboard scraps. The diameter of each subsequent workpiece should be 3-4 mm less than the previous one. Each part is coated with glue and connected to each other, collecting a vase from a smaller circle to a larger one. A glass or plastic container for water is inserted inside the cardboard blank.
Floor vase
Elegant and stylish floor vases are obtained from ordinary cardboard boxes. The surface of the disassembled packaging box is thoroughly moistened with warm water, after which the top paper layer is carefully removed. Corrugated cardboard should remain under the paper. A sheet of cardboard is rolled into a tube so that the corrugated layer is outside. The edges of the workpiece are connected with a multi-purpose glue.
Corrugated strips of various widths are cut from the remaining cardboard with a clerical knife - with their help, the vase is given the desired shape. To do this, strips are glued to the main blank in random order: they can be located at the bottom of the vase, in its center, form a ladder, cross each other, form the neck of the vessel, etc.
The top layer of paper previously removed from a cardboard sheet is used to make decorative elements: flowers, leaves, butterflies, which decorate a vase. After the glue dries, the vase is painted in the desired color using spray paints. The finished product can be used for dried flowers and artificial flowers, as well as for living plants. To do this, a cut plastic bottle is placed inside a cardboard vessel, into which water for flowers is poured.