How To Make Colored Soap

How To Make Colored Soap
How To Make Colored Soap

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Handmade soap has gained its popularity for a long time. Craftsmen brew their masterpieces, giving them different colors and smells. But if everything is clear with obtaining the desired smell - you just need to add a few drops of aromatic oil, then with giving handmade soap the desired color, things are a little more complicated.

How to make colored soap
How to make colored soap

It is necessary

  • - baby soap
  • - glycerin
  • - olive oil
  • - water bath
  • - synthetic or natural dyes dyes
  • - essential oil
  • - molds.


Step 1

Soap dyes are natural and synthetic. Synthetic dyes are sold in specialty stores and are subdivided into water-soluble dyes, pigments, and mother-of-pearl. Water-soluble dyes must be added when cooking soap base, they mix well with each other and give new interesting colors. Pearlescent dyes are used when making transparent soaps, since the pearlescent tint is practically invisible on a colored base. Liquid pigments are dyes already mixed with oil.

Step 2

You can make colored soaps without going to specialty stores and using only natural ingredients. To prepare it, take 2 bars of baby soap (preferably with a neutral odor) and grate them. Prepare a water bath and pour the resulting shavings into an upper saucepan. Add a couple tablespoons of glycerin and olive oil there.

Step 3

Now you can start coloring the soap. Adding sea buckthorn oil to the base will give the soap an orange hue, but the rosehip decoction will make it yellow. Chamomile essential oil will color the soap blue. Take out the activated charcoal from the medicine cabinet - it will give your soap a greyish-lilac hue and will serve as a scrub. True, the soap will form a black foam - for exotic lovers. And cocoa powder and coffee grounds will give the soap a rich brown color and pleasant aroma.

Step 4

You can not only color the soap, but also make colored splashes in it. To do this, you can use finely chopped flower petals (calendula, chamomile), fresh citrus zest, dried herbs (dill, parsley).

Step 5

After adding colorants, you can drip a few drops of your favorite scent oil into the soap. Do this carefully so that the smell is not too thick and rich.

Step 6

When the soap shavings have completely dissolved and turned into a homogeneous mass, it is time to turn off the water bath and pour the soap base into pre-prepared molds. Leave them to stand for a day or two. The handmade soap is ready.
