It is quite possible to comprehend the decoupage technique on your own without attending courses. If you are a creative person, know how to develop outside the "framework", think outside the box, you can easily learn the whole process and even be able to open your own courses on decoupage. So what are decoupage courses?

Decoupage masters can offer several training options: collective and individual master classes, express courses and one-time lessons. The duration of the course is at the discretion of the decoupage master: from a 2-hour lesson to 2-3 months.
Even during short programs, a real master of decoupage will be able to immerse students in learning and interest not only in the practical mastering of the technique, but also in the theory presented in an interesting and accessible form. Decoupage courses should teach directly the technique, history and types of crafts, discover all the secrets of ideal decoupage.
The decoupage master must foresee everything to the smallest detail. For example, it would be good form if all the inventory and materials for learning this beautiful technique were given out free of charge: paints, brushes, glue, paper and printed manuals, and students can take the completed work with them.
The courses should start with the simplest - with decoupage of a wooden surface, light ceramics and stone. At first, it will be easier for students to be given decoupage on a ceramic light plate. Gradually move on to the complex. After all, to make an imitation of snakeskin or a crack on the surface, knowledge and patience are required. And ceramics is a universal teaching material.
At the beginning of a decoupage lesson, tell a little theory, cognitive facts from the proposed area to interest and captivate. Show a sample of the work to be done and patiently explain the decoupage technique presented so that the students can start and finish their piece. The fantasy is limited only by the materials given to the students for the lesson.
For your decoupage courses, you can come up with an original unique presentation. For example, invite your students to go through art therapy through decoupage. Allow students to express themselves through their creativity. In this case, you should not impose ready-made samples. Invite the student to "speak out" in the craft about what worries them, worries, worries. At the same time, you do not need to voice anything out loud, you can pour it all into decorating an object using the decoupage technique. Today, art therapy classes are in great demand.