The piano is by far the most popular keyboard instrument in the world. It is perhaps the most revered of all musical instruments. It was with the help of him that the greatest classics were created.

It is necessary
Step 1
The upright piano - a miniature version of a grand piano - has gone a long way before becoming what we are used to seeing today. The piano was invented at the beginning of the 18th century by the Italian harpsichord master Bartolomeo Cristofori. It was based on the body of the harpsichord - its predecessor - and on the keyboard mechanism.
Step 2
However, the fact that the piano was invented by Cristofori has not yet been proven, and versions of who, after all, was the discoverer, still appear. Despite this, no one disputes his involvement in the creation of the piano, however, of course, the instrument that Cristofori invented was very far from the appearance of the piano that people are used to now, which gives rise to controversy.
Step 3
Fortepiono has evolved over three hundred years. The first semblance of keys in the form in which they are now, saw the light back in the 13th century in medieval Europe. And the first progenitor of another component of the piano - the strings - is the most common bowstring. Her musical abilities were discovered by ordinary ancient hunters.
Step 4
It would seem, how else can you improve this already perfect musical instrument? But no, modern craftsmen have had a hand here too. The non-classical piano versions, while fulfilling all the functions of their classic predecessor, look very unusual. For example, a piano whale that resembles a killer whale in its shape. It was created by the Polish designer Robert Maikut. Its color is traditionally black, and the sound is different from usual.
Step 5
Apple fans will love the Apple Piano. It's called IPiano, and it was invented by an extraordinary genius.
Step 6
Electronic music is increasingly intertwined with classical, and this can be seen on the example of the electric grand piano. Yamaha has released this creation to the market, which will suit all lovers of new technologies in music. It should be noted that this version has everything that a regular piano has, except for strings. Instead, this piano has an electronic "filling".
Step 7
Many people have never thought about what distinguishes these three concepts and in which particular case it would be appropriate to use them. The piano, as a type of string-keyboard musical instrument, is divided, in turn, into a grand piano and a piano. “Forte” means “loud”, “piano” means quiet, which applies to the grand piano and the piano, respectively, since the grand piano sounds louder and the piano quieter. That is, a piano can be called both a grand piano and a piano.