Camping - what could be more pleasant? Bonfire, kebabs, sausages on a stick. Food prepared in nature is much tastier than food prepared at home. And if you do not know how to light a fire correctly, then you can spend a lot of nerves before enjoying delicious and aromatic food.

It is necessary
- - kindling
- - brushwood
- - thick branches
- - matches or lighter
Step 1
To properly build a fire, you need kindling, brushwood and large thick branches. Paper, birch bark can serve as a kindling. If there is neither one nor the other, you can use a torch or small dry spruce twigs. They flare up pretty quickly too. Remember to wrinkle the paper before using it for kindling. By the way, if there is paper, spruce twigs and splinters can be used instead of primary fuel.
Step 2
Crumpled paper (preferably newspaper) is laid on bare ground and sprinkled with small twigs and a torch. And in order for the torch to flare up better later, it will be useful to lay it, leaning on more branches, so that after the paper burns out, the torch does not settle to the ground.
Step 3
They set fire to the kindling from below, otherwise the top will burn out, and everything that lies below will remain untouched, and the fire will not have enough fire to ignite.
Step 4
The kindling is “filled” and ignited. We throw more splinters and small spruce twigs into the flaring fire. They will be the "fuse" for the fire. Gradually we throw more and more branches into the fire. When the fire "seizes", you will only have to throw up big firewood from time to time.