Butterlets are one of the most common and abundantly fruiting mushrooms in the middle lane. They grow in coniferous forests in several "waves", from mid-June to October frosts. Mushroom pickers who know how to properly collect and cook butter, get a lot of pleasure and can pamper homemade delicious and aromatic dishes, as well as preparations for the winter.

Collection of butter
Already in June, you can go to collect summer or granular boletus, best of all - in a young pine forest. For the first placers of these mushrooms with varnish-shiny reddish-brown caps to appear, sometimes rain is not needed, fog and abundant dew are enough. In hot weather, it is important to have time to start collecting oil before they start to worm - the day is late, and 95% of the harvest is lost!
Less productive, but larger and resistant to the attacks of grease worms - late. The color of his hat is not so bright - from light yellow to coffee with milk. Young mushrooms have a well-defined film ring on the stem. They grow from August to October in the same places as summer (grainy).
When there is a harvest of oil, it is not difficult to look for them - you can go to the pine planting and fill the basket. Mushrooms with a cap diameter of 2-5 cm are especially appreciated: their flesh is dense, white, easily digestible. Since the oiler is mainly a summer mushroom, going after it, one should not forget about protective equipment and clothing from mosquitoes. In summer, their clouds rise towards mushroom pickers from wet grass.
How to handle boletus
As soon as possible after coming from the forest, it is necessary to start processing the boletus, as they quickly deteriorate and worm. Many people dislike these mushrooms due to the laborious processing process. A lot of debris sticks to the oily cap, which has to be cleaned off with a knife along with a thin skin that greatly stains the hands. But porcini, neat pickled mushrooms are a real decoration of the table!
It is recommended to soak the dry peeled oil in cool water for 20 minutes, then rinse in running water and immediately boil by keeping the pan on fire after boiling the broth for 30 minutes. Remove foam with a slotted spoon. Prepared raw materials should be thrown into a colander, allowed to drain off excess liquid, then fry butter oil or cook soup from them. You can also boil these mushrooms in a marinade.
How to pickle butter
For a marinade for 1 kg of mushrooms, put 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 20 g of salt, 3 teaspoons of vinegar essence, 20 ml of sunflower oil, 1-2 bay leaves in a saucepan, allspice and cloves to taste. Pour all the ingredients with water and bring to a boil, then put the peeled butter in the marinade and cook with occasional stirring for 25 minutes. Before cooking, add 5-6 cloves of garlic, cut into thin slices.
Place the pickled butter in sterilized glass jars, pour the broth with spices and roll up the lids. Cover the containers with a blanket and cool at room temperature. Store the workpieces cool.