Jewelry with stones can be chosen not only by their appearance, but also focusing on which signs of the zodiac they are suitable for. A beautiful semi-precious stone garnet, according to astrologers, can significantly improve the lives of some people.

Garnet is a translucent stone, most often red in color. There are gems of various shades, from pink to deep burgundy. The stone got its name due to its resemblance to pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate has long been used in jewelry, it is still popular today, not only among women, but also among men.
Other varieties of pomegranate are much less common - yellow, brown. The rarest is emerald green garnet.
Properties of pomegranate
According to experts in astrology, pomegranate has magical and healing properties. This stone is a symbol of love. He helps lonely people to find their soul mate sooner. For those who have already found their happiness, the pomegranate will give a long and lasting feeling. Jewelry with this gem will give joy to the soul, help to reject sorrows, heal from depression and a tendency to pessimism.
Pomegranate is not only a stone of love, it also symbolizes strength and power. It is believed that he develops the same qualities in his masters: he makes cowards more courageous, superficial people - wise and judicious. He endows his owner with the traits of a leader and helps him reach heights.
Wearing a pomegranate is also useful for health. This stone has a positive effect on the circulatory and digestive systems, strengthens the immune system, promotes a speedy recovery from colds - tonsillitis, bronchitis, lowers the temperature and relieves headaches.
In ancient Rome, it was believed that pomegranate has magical properties on the female body. The stone was given to the woman in childbirth so that it would ease her torment and help the early birth of the child.
Yellow and brown pomegranates help to cope with the manifestations of allergies, however, they are not recommended for people born under the sign of Pisces.
Who is the pomegranate for?
When deciding to purchase a garnet jewelry, make sure that it suits your horoscope. It is believed that this stone is ideal for Aquarius and Scorpio. He endows the representatives of these signs of the Zodiac with an unbending will, helps them to overcome all the obstacles that stand in their way. Sometimes he even makes them unnecessarily aggressive.
Suitable for pomegranate and Virgo. He will help them find a person who will give this sign so much needed warmth and brighten up their loneliness. It is recommended to wear this stone and Sagittarius. He gives the representatives of this sign the power over the minds of people, which these passionate natures crave.
Pomegranate is suitable for Capricorns. He brings a bit of passion into their lives, making the usually calm, calculating and melancholic Capricorn more joyful and open.