Over time, almost every girl accumulates so many jewelry that it is not at all convenient to store them in a box. Here are some budget ideas for storing rings, beads, and earrings.

Step 1
You can use regular kitchen sponges to store the rings. Take a soft sponge and make deep cuts with a blade about 1.5 cm wide. Insert into the holes of the ring. You can store such holders in a box made from a box, for example, from shoes.

Step 2
For beads and chains, you can use ring-shaped towel racks. Simply attach the towel holder to the wall and hang your beads on it.

Step 3
You can use a toy storage net to store your earrings. Take a couple of sections and cut the walls so that only the bottom remains on the frame. Sew them together, sew on a loop and hang them on a nail or hook.