If a person is greeted by clothes, then a store is greeted by name. It should be easy to remember and pronounce, but at the same time original and catchy. And the name of a jewelry store should be as stylish and shiny as your product.

Step 1
If you have been struggling to choose a name for a long period of time, or you understand a priori that your imagination is not able to generate a good name for a jewelry store, then do not worry. Contact one of the many companies specializing in naming, i.e. on the selection according to certain criteria of names for any companies. For a pre-negotiated fee, you will be offered a block of names, from which you will choose the one that you like best.
Step 2
If you decide not to use the services of specialists, then pay attention to the following things. Study the situation in the city and especially in the area where your store is located. Even if next to you there is a company with a completely different profile, but with the same name, it will still lead to confusion.
Step 3
Find out what other jewelry and costume stores are named. There are several main blocks into which the names are divided. The female name is in honor of the owner of the salon, a relative, an ancient goddess, and so on. Rare names (Eurydice, Freya, Françoise) or more familiar, but melodic (for example, Alexandra - generally in tune with the stone of alexandrite and immediately associated with jewelry) will look appropriate on the sign. But, you see, Claudia or Zinaida - will cut the ear.
Step 4
Pay attention to Russian and foreign words associated with jewelry and the world of fashion - glitter, shine, style, elegance, glamor, etc. Various epithets can be matched to them, for example, "Fashionable shine", or "Shiny style".
Step 5
Try to find abbreviations. Think, maybe your initials or someone close will become a beautiful combination? Abbreviation can carry a deeper meaning. For example, name your company "House of Interesting Things", abbreviated "DIV". But div (dev) is also a spirit in mythology that owns a lot of jewelry and ornaments. You can then play with this meaning of the name in advertising campaigns.
Step 6
If one of the listed names is not occupied, then feel free to take it for your jewelry store. But remember that the name is of great importance for a successful business, so throw in and sort out any options in order to end up with the best.