How To Get Rid Of Parasites Effectively

How To Get Rid Of Parasites Effectively
How To Get Rid Of Parasites Effectively

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Helminths are fairly easy to get infected. They parasitize in a variety of human tissues and organs and cause not only a weakening of the body as a whole, but also a number of serious diseases. You can get rid of parasites using various methods, each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

How to get rid of parasites effectively
How to get rid of parasites effectively


Step 1

The most obvious way to get rid of parasites is with medication. After diagnosing and determining the type of worms living inside a person, the doctor prescribes one or another drug to combat worms. Currently, there are many such drugs - levamisole, thiabendazole, mebendazole, albendazole, medamin, pyrantel, praziquantel and others. Many of these drugs are quite effective, and if the prescribed treatment regimens are followed and all family members are treated at the same time, the result is usually not long in coming. However, these funds are very toxic, so they destroy not only parasites, but also beneficial microflora, and affect the liver. In addition, many affect only a few types of parasites; other drugs will be required to fight others. As a result, the body can be very badly poisoned, causing allergic reactions. Another disadvantage is that drugs, as a rule, are effective only for the destruction of adult helminths, they do not work on their larvae.

Step 2

Dehelmentization can also be carried out using various devices. The action of which is based on electromagnetic resonance. Electromagnetic waves of a certain power and duration lead to the death of parasites. This effect was discovered and applied by the American Hilda Clark. It has identified a frequency range that matches virtually all types of parasites. It is located in the band from 30 KHz to 1560 KHz and does not correspond to the resonant frequencies of various human organs. Therefore, you can kill worms without harming your own health. However, such devices are quite expensive - at least 12,000 rubles. In addition, the method has not yet been sufficiently studied, its consequences for humans are not completely clear. And the dead worms must be somehow removed from the body, otherwise they can become a source of increased formation of toxins.

Step 3

Today you can drive out helminths with the help of medicinal herbs. All bitter plants are suitable, especially bitter wormwood, tansy, yarrow, dandelion, celandine, hemlock. They destroy parasites and their larvae, eggs, help to remove decay products, toxins and poisons. Onions and garlic, pumpkin and its seeds also have an anthelmintic effect, so they should be eaten regularly, at least for prevention. Using herbal medicine to drive out parasites is the most optimal way. But nevertheless, the treatment must be carried out comprehensively and necessarily after visiting specialists.
