How To Optimize An Article

How To Optimize An Article
How To Optimize An Article

An article optimized for search engines gains more views, because search engines put it forward among the first. Let your text be very important or interesting, but without optimization it will get dusty. How to optimize an article correctly so that the search engine sees it and displays it on the first pages?

How to optimize an article
How to optimize an article

The most important thing in optimization is the selection of keywords that will be skillfully inserted into the text. Keywords are words that are entered by a regular user into a search engine. As you might have guessed, search engines are guided by them. Once you've decided on the topic of your article, use any word search service to choose keywords for it. For example, such a service is offered to us by Yandex.

Keywords can be high-frequency (the ones people search most often on the Internet), mid-frequency and low-frequency. The most optimal ones are medium-frequency words, the number of requests for which varies from 1000 to 10,000. You must understand that the higher the keyword frequency, the more competition. When writing an article, it is advisable to use keywords from all three groups. This will increase your chances of success.

Focus on the words and phrases that the keyword search service gave you. You should include them 3-5 times in your article. Remember that it is not advisable to change the case and gender. You can dilute key phrases with prepositions, conjunctions or punctuation marks, but don't get carried away with it. In the event that your article contains a large number of key phrases, then the search engine can impose a filter on you, thanks to which your work will hang out at the very end of search queries. After the text is ready, read it, there should be no tautology, the article should be readable.

It is desirable that the key phrase appears in the title. Remember that it is the title that will be visible in the search results. It is very important that the heading reflects the essence of the entire text. The announcement should attract visitors, be sure to add keywords to it. Don't overdo it with the length of your introduction - search engines don't like that. In general, it is worth placing most of the keywords in the first half of the article - this is how your work will be better indexed.

If you learn how to optimize articles, then the number of views will be several times higher. Do not be discouraged if you cannot find your text using Yandex or Google. Articles are indexed a couple of times a month, so you don't have to try to find your work, which was exhibited the other day.