Staring into a blank monitor and not sure where to start your article? Some of these techniques will help you style the beginning of your story so that you want to read it to the end.

The first paragraph of the text can briefly but succinctly tell about the main events, which will be discussed below. Such a beginning introduces the reader to the course of the matter, makes it easier for him to navigate the further text.
Go through all the facts that you want to present in your article in your head. Perhaps there is something extraordinary among them. A striking and unusual fact, presented at the very beginning of the article, awakens interest in further reading of the entire material.
Starting with a riddle, quote or proverb is also a way out. Especially if you want to argue with a famous philosopher or a popular saying. The clash between the conventional and the author's is a conflict that will require reading the entire article to resolve.
Delve into the subject matter of your material. Look for statistics on the topic of your article, read about it in blogs, chat with experts. It happens that it is the people around them and their statements that suggest interesting thoughts with which you can successfully start your article.
Write in the first sentence that which cannot be real. This will surprise and even outrage readers. They will definitely start reading further, because they will not be able to ignore the article where they lie so blatantly. You, in turn, turn your material into a rebuttal of the first sentence. This will reassure the audience and ensure the material is read carefully.