How To Make Toys Out Of Wood

How To Make Toys Out Of Wood
How To Make Toys Out Of Wood

Table of contents:


Children like wooden toys very much, especially if they are made by parental hands with the direct help of the children themselves. At the same time, you do not need to be a professional carpenter, a wooden duck can be made even without having any special skills.

Children are happy to participate in making toys
Children are happy to participate in making toys

It is necessary

  • - pieces of wood at least 1 cm thick
  • - template
  • - Printer
  • - copy paper
  • - jigsaw or saw
  • - nail files
  • - sandpaper
  • - paints


Step 1

If it is difficult for you to saw a toy out of a thick piece of wood, you can make several identical pieces of plywood and glue them together using ordinary glue.

Step 2

Find on the Internet an image of a duck with a well-recognized silhouette, save it to your computer, print the picture using a printer on an A4 sheet.

Step 3

Spread carbon paper on a tree, put the printed drawing on top, trace it around the contour, pressing well on a pencil or pen. Or cut out the drawing and simply trace around it with black pencil.

Step 4

Saw the duck with a jigsaw. Sand the sections with a nail file and sandpaper so that the child does not splinter his hand when playing.

Step 5

Paint the duck on both sides with your child.

Step 6

The toy can be left intact, or it can be cut into 5-10 pieces, thus creating a homemade puzzle that the child will assemble and disassemble with great pleasure.
