How To Sew Baby Shorts

How To Sew Baby Shorts
How To Sew Baby Shorts

Table of contents:


Summer is coming and it's time to change your child's pants to shorts. To do this, it is not at all necessary to run after them to the store. Let's figure out how to sew children's shorts with our own hands.

How to sew baby shorts
How to sew baby shorts

It is necessary

  • - a piece of knitted fabric
  • - centimeter
  • - pencil
  • - sewing accessories


Step 1

Sewing baby shorts is easy. To do this, you can find a piece of knitted fabric in your home supplies. Before starting work, knitwear must be washed and dried. While the material is drying, we take measurements from the child to make a pattern for sewing shorts. To create a drawing, you need to take the measurement From (waist circumference) = 28cm and the measurement About (hip circumference) = 31cm.

Step 2

Next, we draw a right angle, the top of which is designated by point T. The width of the shorts is calculated as follows: About is divided by 2 and 25 is added, it turns out 40, 5 cm. To determine the distance from the step point to the waist (TSh), OB is divided by 2 and 4cm is added, it turns out 19.5cm. The SHN distance - from the bottom line to the step point (for all sizes), will be 12cm.

Step 3

Then you need to postpone from point T 2cm up and designate a new point (T2). Connect T1 and T2 with a line. The resulting quadrangle (T2-T1-H1-H) is the back half of the shorts.

Step 4

Shl - a place for a gusset insert = 10cm. You need to make a gusset in the form of a rhombus, in which the SL will be 5cm, and the SS will be 9cm. The side seam line will be the common line (T1H1) of the back and front halves. The gusset is stitched into the section of the SHL.

Step 5

The front halves are grinded along the TSh line, and the rear halves along the T2Sh line. For shorts with an elastic band, you need to make a 2cm allowance on top.

Step 6

The resulting patterns should be pinned to the wrong side of the material and outlined, retreating 1, 5 - 2 cm to allowances. In order to connect parts and process seams at the same time, it is better to work on an overlock. Otherwise, you will have to sew the seams twice.

Step 7

Having figured out how to sew children's shorts, you should take a note: - if the piece of fabric is large, then it should be put upside down;

- step cuts, middle and front cuts are better to grind with a seam;

- hem the lower sections with a hem seam;

- the upper cut should be bent along the marked line towards the wrong side and sewed along the upper fold.

- bend the free cut by 0.5 cm inside out and stitch again, leaving 1 cm free for threading the elastic.
