How To Make A Folk Doll

How To Make A Folk Doll
How To Make A Folk Doll

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The folk doll is a huge and undeservedly forgotten layer of our history. Fortunately, now interest in the customs and traditions of our ancestors is returning. Let's try to make a traditional amulet doll. This does not require any special skills and abilities. To make a doll, you should not use new fabric, it is better to take scraps from used clothes. Especially if you have pleasant memories associated with these clothes. Then the doll will also carry positive energy.

The ancient Slavs considered red to be
The ancient Slavs considered red to be

It is necessary

  • Two flaps of light fabric 40x40 cm and 20x20 cm.
  • A piece of white thin fabric 40x40 cm.
  • Red threads are cotton or woolen.
  • Beautiful shreds and braids for making clothes


Step 1

First of all, let's make the body of the doll. Take a piece of light-colored fabric 40x40 cm and roll it into a thick roller. Secure the ends of the roller by wrapping the threads tightly around them. Fold in half. This will be the torso.

The doll's head will be where the fold is. Make the same roll out of a smaller piece of light-colored cloth. These will be handles.

Divide the large bolster in half mentally, make a mark - this will be the waist. Divide the upper part in half mentally again, make a mark - will this be the chest? Take the small roller and place it inside the folded large roller, focusing on the chest mark. Secure the handles by making a few turns of thread, first at the "neck" level, then at the "armpit" level, and finally crosswise across the chest and back.

You should have a cross-shaped shape.

Step 2

We proceed to the design of the face. To do this, take a piece of white cloth and spread it out. Place the doll's body on this piece, with the head in the center. The handles should be directed towards the diagonal corners, and the body should lie on the third corner of the fabric. Take the fourth corner of the fabric and wrap it over the doll's body. Thus, the flap was folded in half diagonally. In the center of the material, we begin to collect the edges, as if putting on a handkerchief. We straighten the fabric so that the doll does not have wrinkles on the face. We wrap the doll's neck area tightly.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, dolls were always made without a face. It was believed that a doll that does not have a face remains an inanimate creature, and no evil entity can move into it in order to harm the owners of the doll.

Step 3

Let's make a shirt. Two diagonal corners "lie" along the handles of the doll. Gently wrap the corners around the place where the palms will be, and secure with several turns of thread. Gather the loose edges of the fabric around your waist and secure with threads to form puffy sleeves.

It remains to dress up the doll. First, let's make a warrior. Povnik is a headband. It was decorated with beads and embroidery. Take a piece of beautiful tape, preferably with a patterned edge. Wrap it around the doll's forehead and secure it neatly at the back of the head. Put a handkerchief on the doll's head so that the upper cut of the braid remains closed.

Step 4

Now we need a sundress. Make a skirt out of beautiful fabric, fasten it at the waist. Close the sections of the fabric and the winding with a tape, from the same tape make the straps of a sundress. It remains to dress up our doll in an apron, and the job is done. You can make another outfit, for example, decorate the doll with an embroidered soul warmer, you can sew for the doll not just a sundress, but a festive skirt with a ponytail. The doll can be dressed in the traditional outfit of your area … It all depends only on your imagination.

If you make the roller-pens twice as long and put two roller-bodies on it, you will get a ritual doll "bride and groom". It was customary to give this doll to newlyweds so that they would hold each other tightly throughout their lives.
