What Determines The Fate Of A Person

What Determines The Fate Of A Person
What Determines The Fate Of A Person

At all times, mankind asked questions of life, death, the inevitability of certain events. There are many theories, and each one decides separately which one to believe. But still, is it worth relying on higher powers or is a person creating his own destiny?

The fate of man
The fate of man

Religions, doctrines or philosophical movements necessarily relate to reflections on the meaning of life, fate, causes and consequences of any events and their patterns. Conclusions and dogmas periodically coincide, and sometimes they can radically differ or even come into conflict.

The main opinions on this score, of course, are polar. One version says that all human life is "planned" even before birth, and it is impossible to avoid the prescribed events. According to another theory, people themselves are the creators and leaders of their own destiny, and everything that happens to them is the results of their own actions.

Life is ordained from above

All religious movements are based on the assertion that the world and humanity were created by divine forces. The names and descriptions of the gods vary, but the fact that our lives are being ruled from outside remains the same.

Therefore, it is generally accepted that a person does not fully influence the events that happen to him. But the idea of dependence on higher powers does not mean that, for example, bad luck is inevitable. Religion gives hope that a bad fate can be corrected by asking the Creator for patronage and protection.

Astrology and Buddhism

But such a teaching as astrology quite clearly and unshakably says that the overwhelming majority of events and experiences have already been recorded in a person's natal chart. And to avoid the planned, both good and bad, is almost impossible.

In Buddhism, it is generally accepted that fate is a set of assessments earned for actions in past lives. Adepts of this religion believe that each next birth bears the fruits of incarnations already lived. In other words, bad fate is nothing other than retribution for one's own mistakes and sins from previous lives, and luck and prosperity are the corresponding reward.

Everyone is his own boss

People who deny the existence of God declare that all life events and events occur exclusively at the will of the person himself. Therefore, fate is created by one's own hands. Accordingly, a person is responsible for both happiness and failure.

Similar theories assert that a person is capable of changing his reality not only by actions, but also by thoughts. With a positive or negative attitude, transform life around you.

However, no matter what version people adhere to, the main thing is to understand that each of us directly affects the fate of our relatives and friends. We are inevitably dependent on each other both in the broad sense and in minor details.
