Today there is no such large enough settlement in which there would be no computer club. Even in the smallest settlement there is an opportunity to open a profitable business. You need to start by drawing up a specialized plan. If funds allow you, then it is worth considering concluding a contract for the continuous maintenance of equipment and all equipment. When opening an institution such as a gambling club, it is worth considering the opening hours.

It is necessary
room, several places equipped with PCs, system administrator, software
Step 1
The first is to develop a business plan. You need to write in it everything you need, from a personal computer to a mouse pad. This should also include the costs of installing equipment, the cost of lighting the premises and the salaries of employees.
Step 2
The second is to choose a room and select reliable and responsible people to work in a team. Do not give in to the persuasion of friends and acquaintances with requests to hire them in the absence of the necessary skills. In order to provide good equipment and furniture, you can take out a loan secured by the created club.
Step 3
The third is the choice of computer hardware and software. The success of the club's work and the ability not to spend money on repairs will depend on this. When opening a club, it is worth considering the form of its ownership. This will determine the tax on activities and profits.

Step 4
Fourth, it is necessary to obtain a permit for activity from the sanitary and hygienic services and from the fire inspection. The success of the company you started to open a computer club will largely depend on them. You can get them by contacting the appropriate authorities and authorities.