Not a single New Year is complete without the main attribute of this holiday - the Christmas tree. If you have a few fir and pine cones at your disposal, then try to make a decorative Christmas tree from them with your children or grandchildren, which will take its rightful place on your festive table as its decoration.

You will need:
- pine and spruce cones;
- scissors;
- thick cardboard;
- decorative berries and birds (or any other decorations);
- hot glue;
- low wide vase;
- artificial snow in a spray can.
First of all, decide on the size of the future tree, its width. On a piece of cardboard, draw a circle of the desired diameter (you can use, for example, a plate). Cut out the resulting shape.

Clean the cones prepared for creativity from debris, then sort them by size into three piles: small, medium and large. Place a cardboard circle in front of you, apply a thick layer of hot glue around its edge, then place the larger cones on the glue with the wide side in the center of the circle. Fasten the bumps together with glue.

Thus, continue to lay out the source materials in tiers in a circle, trying to make each next tier slightly smaller in diameter than the previous one. Remember, larger cones must be at the base of the tree, medium - in its middle, and smaller - at the top. At the very top of the craft, fasten one cone vertically.

The Christmas tree is ready, now you can start decorating it. Apply artificial snow to it (it is better to do this outdoors, since if you apply it indoors, you can stain the surrounding objects). Let it dry a little, and then decorate the tree with artificial berries and birds. The Christmas tree will look very original if the decorations are chosen in the same color scheme.
Once the tree is ready, take a wide vase or flowerpot, turn the piece upside down and apply glue to the bottom. Glue the cardboard base of the craft to the vase / pot and let the glue dry. The decorative tree is ready.