If you want to please your man and are ready to put some effort into this, try to master the technique of erotic massage. It is relaxing and arousing, so many couples replace it with sexual foreplay.

What is erotic massage?
Erotic massage is one of the ancient methods of relaxation. With its help, a man and a woman can easily express their tenderness, which is important in a love relationship.
General sexual massage has a good stimulating effect. In the process of conducting it, you can easily understand the preferences of a loved one. It will be just fine if the partner begins to express his approval with groans and some specific words, because this will bring the couple closer and develop a certain language of sounds in her, understandable only to them.
This massage is based on the balance of energy flows. It is not without reason that the palms of a person are considered a source of a powerful charge. Concentration when performing these manipulations, as well as the relaxation of the person being massaged, bring the highest pleasure.
Asian erotic massage is very popular, when not only the hands are active, but also the elbows, knees, feet, chest, as well as the forehead and chin. Before the procedure, partners apply oils or soap suds to each other's bodies. Feelings can be improved by creating an exotic setting, choosing the appropriate music and treats.
When performing erotic massage, the choice of oil is very important. It should be special, intended for massage, or for children. You can add an essential oil that you like the smell of.
Erotic massage basics
Before proceeding with the most important thing, it is very important that the partner relaxes and forgets about business and work for a while. A warm bath with the addition of essential oils works well for this. For greater effect, you can wash your loved one's head or rub the back, but be sure to use your hands, not a washcloth.
Create an intimate setting in your bedroom. Bright light is completely unsuitable for an erotic massage, so you can place candles or light a night light.
Remember that erotic massage is not a medical procedure. When carrying out it, it is important to press on certain points of the body, alternating gentle touches with intense ones.
Erotic massage should be started with the feet or hands. Knead each finger gently. Depending on the stage of the relationship, you can kiss or lick them.
From your feet, slowly work your way up to your hips and buttocks. Then ask your partner to roll over and massage your stomach. Avoid touching the genitals, otherwise it may turn out that you will not be able to finish the massage - everything will suddenly flow into sex.
In men, there is an erogenous zone in the navel area that cannot be ignored. But, if the representative of the stronger sex is not strongly aroused, then he may be ticklish. Monitor your partner's condition and approach this area at the right time.
Pay attention to the nipples. Caress them with your tongue or fingers, but very gently. This area does not tolerate rough touches.