Emerald Is The Stone Of Truth

Emerald Is The Stone Of Truth
Emerald Is The Stone Of Truth

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Emerald is an expensive gem with unique magical properties. Emerald charms were worn in antiquity.

Rings with emeralds
Rings with emeralds


Step 1

Many ancient legends and beliefs are associated with the emerald. It was believed, for example, that the owner of the amulet made of this stone was endowed not only with intelligence and wisdom, but also with the gift of foresight. In addition, emeralds were also prescribed the properties of the best antidote. Dignitaries wore rings with these stones on their little fingers.

Step 2

Modern researchers have proven that emerald has many medicinal properties due to its special physical and chemical composition. If you wear jewelry or talismans with this kind of minerals, then blood pressure is largely normalized, pain subsides, activity increases and fatigue decreases.

Step 3

The emerald has a special value in the world of magic. It is believed that the stone is able to change the character of its owner and open magical abilities. For example, if you look closely at a mineral sparkling in the sun, you can see the future or the solution to some important issue.

Step 4

The main magical property of an emerald is the fight against evil and lies. One stone to cleanse a person and his home from negative energy. If the owner of the emerald is prone to lies, bad deeds and bad thoughts, then the mineral can punish him with a series of constant life failures.

Step 5

As a talisman, the emerald guards the family hearth. Ancient navigators and travelers took these stones with them on their travels. It was believed that with such protection, a person would definitely return home, and nothing bad would happen to him on the way.
