It is hard to believe that some 50 years ago no one thought about their zodiac sign, and even more so did not connect their fate with the location of the stars. And even now there are people who sacredly believe in predictions for their sign, there are those who deny any dependence of themselves, unique, on the stars … Who is right?

There are as many arguments in favor of the dependence of the fate of each person on the time of his birth as there are against. Indeed, for many years people lived without even thinking about their zodiac signs. They got married without thinking about the horoscopes of compatibility, chose a profession, style of clothing, etc. But! At all times there have been marriages, both happy and very unhappy, people both professionally successful and failed. After all, they belonged to some signs, regardless of whether they knew about it or not?
This means that there is every reason to assume that happy people accidentally or intuitively chose a life partner for themselves, for example, completely suitable according to the horoscope! And vice versa. So the stars are still telling the truth?
Every person wants to be one and only. But, reading the astro forecast for the next week in an advertising newspaper, does he not agree that at least every twelfth person in this world is like him? Similar destinies, similar events, clothes of such and such a color should be worn, such and such stones in jewelry should be preferred, perfume with such and such a scent should be chosen … No, definitely, all horoscopes are nonsense!
But it all depends not only on the month of birth, but also on the year! And from a specific day, and from an hour. And the horoscopes themselves are many. And it should also be remembered that both character and fate, according to esoteric experts, directly depend on the name of a person, on the color of his eyes, on the shape of his nails and ears, and on a lot of other things … What does it turn out to be?
And it turns out just what you need - individuality. Each person is only this very, unique person, born on such and such a day and hour, with such and such, only inherent in him features. Is it possible to predict his fate, knowing all his data, down to a millimeter and up to a second?
Nobody knows this. Probably, you can … But someone can know everything about a person in general? Of course not. It would seem that there is a way out - by yourself, relying on your knowledge, to calculate your own horoscope and the possible development of your life. Can you imagine how much you have to learn? How much time and effort will it take? And won't it turn out that a person will know everything, and there will be no time left to live … Is this not what smart people warn about when they say: “Don't guess - you will lose happiness”?
This world is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is interesting to live in it. So let there remain a place in life for horoscopes - we all want to feel our involvement in the Universe, to hope that the cosmos knows about us. But let the horoscopes be just a game. None of us will be able to know everything anyway.