The hut is the main dwelling of people, which for a long time remained unchanged in appearance. The hut, as a rule, was built without a single nail from durable wood and was decorated with intricate carvings. In the pictures, the hut can now be found only as an illustration to fairy tales.

It is necessary
- - album sheet.
- - pencil.
- - eraser.
Step 1
In the middle of the sheet, sketch out the hut with a pencil. First, draw a square, above it draw a triangle along the width of the side of the square. This will be the front wall of the hut. Draw a vertical rectangle on the right side of the square. Draw a horizontal rhombus above the rectangle. Thus, a voluminous hut with a triangular roof turned out.
Step 2
Draw the details of the hut. Above the square, draw a balcony in the form of two parallel lines, slightly raised in the place of the image of the corner. Draw the bottom and top lines around the entire perimeter. Also shade the entire balcony with vertical parallel lines located at the same distance from each other. Draw a rectangular doorway above the balcony. Draw straight lines around the opening. Draw oblique strokes in the upper corners.
Step 3
Divide the entire front wall of the hut through the same distance with horizontal lines along the entire width of the wall. Draw the side walls of the square in the form of circles located one above the other. In the middle of them, draw more circles that are in each other. Thus, create the effect of wooden logs that intersect at the corners of the hut.
Step 4
Shade the rectangle adjacent to the square with closely lying horizontal lines. Draw a parallel line on the left side of the triangle. On the resulting strip, draw transverse planks - wooden blocks. Shade most of the roof with straight oblique lines along the second side of the triangle. Decorate the top of the roof with a figure symbolizing a horse. Make only the front wall of the hut and the door frame trims with light shading. Shade the rest more densely to darken individual details.