How To Build A Hut

How To Build A Hut
How To Build A Hut

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A real forest hut is a great way to feel like a traveler and explorer of nature, and its creation will be a useful and exciting entertainment for children and adults. At the same time, the ability to build a hut can not only entertain you, but also provide significant support in an extreme situation when you urgently need to provide yourself and your companions with a roof over their heads in nature. Building a hut is not difficult if you have natural materials close at hand, which can be found in any forest.

How to build a hut
How to build a hut


Step 1

Choose a place to build a hut - it should be neither low nor elevated. Choose a level area, sheltered from the wind, surrounded by trees or bushes.

Step 2

Having chosen a site for building a hut, prepare two or more durable long sticks. Lean two sticks on either side against a long, sturdy branch of the tree and tie the top with string. You can also take a few sticks and tie them in an inclined position to the tree in a circle at the top ends, making a more spacious circular hut.

Step 3

With the sticks tied tightly, pull a tarpaulin or other material over them, securing the edges by pressing them down with heavy stones. If you do not have an awning available, use spruce and pine branches, which can be collected in the forest nearby, or branches of deciduous trees.

Step 4

Cover the hut with twigs and branches to create the most dense roof possible. The hut, covered with branches and spruce branches, cannot be completely closed - you can only hang the entrance with a specially found canopy.

Step 5

In the case of a tent covered with an awning, you can use a vertical stick stuck at the entrance to enter, on which the edge of the awning rests.

Step 6

To close the hut, remove the stick and lower the awning. The hut is ready - as you can see, it is made easily, and in case of an unforeseen situation it can protect you in the forest from bad weather and cold.
