Space theme is an endless field for creativity, each artist will be able to find their own plot and create a unique space landscape with bright glow, distant stars, mysterious planets and dangerous comets. You can draw space using various materials, but a drawing made with paints will look the most impressive and bright.

How to paint space in watercolor

Necessary materials:
- half of whatman paper;
- watercolor paints;
- white gouache;
- brushes of different sizes;
- a glass of water;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- Toothbrush.
To make the drawing unusual, space can be depicted in a circle. To do this, in the center of the Whatman paper, draw a circle of the required size according to a previously prepared template. Then moisten the surface of the circle with water using a thick brush - this will allow you to get smooth streaks of watercolor paint. We paint the center of the circle with light shades: yellow, orange, lilac, blue.

Now, on the palette, we breed two shades of blue: one we mix with purple paint, the other with black. The resulting colors are applied to the drawing with small and random strokes. In this case, the brush should be rinsed after each shade. It is necessary to draw the image from the edges of the circle, gradually approaching the center of the illustration. Try not to apply dark paints over light colors, as it will be impossible to return to the original version.

When the circle is completely filled in, you can start drawing the details of the space landscape. In the center of the circle, where the light tones of the picture are outlined, apply with a thin brush watercolor of red and yellow colors.

It remains only to supplement the picture with many bright stars. To do this, apply white gouache to the toothbrush and, bending the edges of the bristles, spray paint onto the image.

If you wish, you can draw several passing comets and a couple of small planets.
How to draw space with gouache

Necessary materials:
- a hoop with thick paper;
- gouache;
- brushes of different sizes;
- die cuts from white cardboard in the form of beautiful geometric patterns;
- beautiful photograph;
- colored cardboard;
- printed paper;
- white acrylic paint.
The blank in the form of a hoop with thick paper is abundantly moistened with water. Then, using diluted gouache paints, create a blue-violet background. When the drawing is dry, apply white dots with acrylic paint with a thin brush, which will imitate shining stars.

We supplement the space landscape with geometric shapes - constellations made using a prepared template, a thin brush and white paint. We cut out various shapes from colored cardboard and printed paper and create a beautiful composition from them, in the center of which there will be a good photograph. Glue the resulting composition to the image.

The finished drawing will be an excellent option for a gift or an original decoration for your home interior.