Sometimes it happens that the household urgently needs glue for paper or cardboard, and the glue sticks that were used in everyday life have become unusable, and the PVA glue also dried up and does not open. In this case, starch paste will come to our rescue, which glues paper very well.

It is necessary
- Starch
- Water
- Plate
- Wooden stick
Step 1
To prepare the paste, you need to take four teaspoons of potato or wheat flour and add them to half a glass of cold water. Then stir thoroughly, making sure that there are no lumps.
Step 2
While the starch is diluted in cold water, you need to boil the water. Then, in a stirred solution of starch and water, you need to quickly pour boiling water, stirring continuously with a wooden stick. It is better not to use iron spoons, they heat up quickly and you can get burned.
Step 3
Then the paste is placed on the stove and boiled over. As soon as it became transparent and jelly-like, the paste is ready.