Since ancient times, the sword has been considered a weapon of men and warriors, its manufacture required a lot of skill and expense, and handling it was the privilege of the military class. These days, it's easier to buy a combat sword than trying to make one yourself. In this case, there are many shops at your service, where you can choose any sword for your hand.

What is a combat sword? So, a combat sword is a weapon designed for full contact fights using defensive and offensive weapons similar to medieval ones. As a consequence, the sword must be made of steel or iron. In modern historical fencing (or historical medieval battles), the battle is fought on blunt blades, which nevertheless fully correspond to their historical counterparts in all respects. But since swords do not have a cutting edge; officially they are considered mass-dimensional models and are not considered melee weapons. The most popular shops where you can buy combat swords are World of Antiquities (, Donjon ( and Forge ( The World of Antiquities is located at the address: Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 40, building 2, shopping center "Raduga", second floor, pavilion 21. In addition, purchases in this store can be made via the Internet, and the order can be received by mail. The assortment of this store is very diverse, in addition to all kinds of swords, axes, armor, spears, bows and crossbows, household items, jewelry and much more are sold here. The disadvantage of the store is rather high prices, but the quality of the products corresponds to them. Donjon is located at the address: Moscow, Preobrazhenskaya square, 12, CDC "Mossovet". His products can also be purchased online. The assortment is almost similar to the World of Antiquities, but the prices are slightly different - something higher, something lower. Forge - an online store located in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. A feature of the store is a huge selection of quality steel swords for every taste at low prices. In addition, it is envisaged to make swords to order and decorate them with etching on iron. For a higher price, of course. The rest of the assortment looks poorer than the two previous stores. The price of combat swords (which is more correctly called tournament swords) ranges from 1500 to 4000 rubles, replicas of bladed weapons made similar to their historical prototypes cost from 4500 to 16000 rubles. When choosing swords in a store, try to consult with the seller. Pay attention not only to the price, but also to their appearance and belonging to the era and region (otherwise, going to a tournament in the European High Middle Ages with a sword from ancient China, you will not be admitted to it by the organizers). Also, when buying a sword from a store, feel free to try it on to your hand. Pay attention to the data on its length and weight if you buy it in the online store. As a result, from the wide selection of weapons provided to you, you can conveniently choose the most suitable sword for you in terms of era, region, price and dimensions.