The hovercraft is a unique vehicle that many car modellers love. It is easy to create a model of such a boat from paper - it is only important to follow the instructions below and the sequence of actions.

It is necessary
- sheet of paper (cardboard)
- the pencils
- paints
- ruler
- scissors
- glue
Step 1
Draw the hull of the boat On a sheet of paper (better than cardboard, since it is more rigid, does not deform or disintegrate for a long time), the hull, superstructure and screws are drawn. Each part is cut taking into account the allowances, which are equal to 1 - 2 centimeters. These allowances are useful for gluing parts together. If the parts are connected by means of slots, then the allowances will become a kind of connecting element. In order not to miss a single part, it is better to lay out the cut components of the boat in front of you. Drawings are recommended to be performed in duplicate, so that one of them is always in front of your eyes.

Step 2
Make an air cushion Next, proceed to gluing the body. For this, the sides of the future boat are made along the fold line. In other words, an air cushion is created - a kind of base of the boat.

Step 3
Glue the superstructure After assembling the hull, proceed to gluing the superstructure. After the superstructure has acquired its proper form, it is attached to the base (air cushion). For this, slots are made on the surface of the case with a length of no more than 0.5 centimeters. The superstructure is inserted into these slots with allowances. Another option for attaching the superstructure is gluing it to the hull.

Step 4
Form the screws After the hull and superstructure are made, proceed to form the screws. The screw designs cut from the paper are folded along the corresponding line. It is imperative to leave allowances for fastening screws! With the help of them, they will be attached to the wheel.

Step 5
Assemble All the Parts The final step in creating the hovercraft is to assemble all the parts by gluing or "threading" the allowances into the pre-made slots. Then, as a result of this painstaking and tedious work, you will get a unique paper hovercraft, which can be a wonderful gift for your family.